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Caritas Malaysia National Assembly 2024: A Union of Minds, Hearts, and Deeds

From November 12-15, 2024, over 60 participants from nine arch/dioceses gathered at Pace Bene, FSIC Centre in Papar, Sabah, for the Caritas Malaysia National Assembly. The assembly, held under the theme “Union of Minds, Hearts, and Deeds,” brought together representatives from the Episcopal Commission for Creation Justice (ECCJ) and the Episcopal Commission for Migrant and Itinerant (ECMI) to strengthen collaboration and renew the commitment to addressing the needs of the Earth and the poor.

Day 1: A Day of Recollection

The assembly began with a spiritually enriching Day of Recollection led by Fr. Alvin Ng, SJ. Participants reflected on their mission, drawing inspiration from Scripture and prayer to renew their purpose in serving the marginalized.

Day 2: Responding to the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor

Day 2 featured engaging discussions on the urgent need to address both ecological and social injustices. Presentations by Caritas Malaysia, ECCJ, and ECMI provided valuable insights into the Church’s response to these critical issues, emphasizing the importance of integral human development and care for creation.

Day 3: Sharing Best Practices

Participants shared best practices across the regions of Sarawak, Sabah, and Semenanjung Malaysia. Topics included Disaster Management strategies, Safeguarding vulnerable communities, and regional initiatives that have made significant local impacts. The exchange of experiences highlighted the power of collaboration and the richness of regional diversity.

Moving Forward with Renewed Faith and Purpose

The National Assembly reaffirmed the shared mission to respond to the cries of the Earth and the poor. Strengthened by prayer, dialogue, and shared knowledge, participants departed with renewed faith and determination to make a lasting impact in their communities.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to all who contributed to the success of this assembly. Let us continue to be a beacon of hope and compassion in our dioceses, fostering unity and love through our deeds.

Together, we journey forward with one heart and one mind, committed to building a more just and compassionate world.

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Caritas Malaysia

Caritas Malaysia is the official arm of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia (CBCM) engaging in works of integral human development, charity, relief, care for creation and social services. ​​

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Caritas Malaysia is the official arm of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia (CBCM) engaging in works of integral human development, charity, relief, care for creation and social services. ​​

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